To believe in you
one has to be hungry
since you live in the fresh bread
which is broken and shared
in every house, table and exchange
between brothers, strangers and travellers along the way.
To believe in you
one has to be hungry
because you are the banquet of the poor
and booty of the beggars,
who whilst being empty, without fields or barns,
descover they are rich.
To believe in you
one has to be hungry,
hungry for life and justice
which isn't satisfied with
vane, hollow, insubstantial words,
that can surprise us or gain our attention
but neither feed us nor satisfy us.
To believe in you
one has to be hungry,
for without hunger, we can easily forget
the two thirds of humanity that go hungry
amongst whom you wander
since they are the people who most attract you.
To believe in you
one has to be hungry
and keep awake the desire
for another different bread to the one they sell us
in markets, squares and places
where everything is bought and sold.
To believe in you
one has to be hungry
and, sometimes, choke on hearing you
to discover the novelty
of your presence and message
in this deprived world.
Florentino Ulibarri