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Life is...

an oportunity, make the most of it,

a dream, make it come true,

an adventure, jump into it,

a challenge, face it,

a promise, believe it,

a mystery, contemplate it,

a project, make it a reality,

a hymn, sing it,

an offer, merit it.

Life is life, love it


Life is...

beauty, admire it,

riches, share them,

a struggle, accept it

a seed, sow it,

action, direct it

happiness, savour it,

a surprise package, open it

a grace, welcome it

a call, respond to it.

Life is life, live it.


Life is...

a greeting from God, receive it,

a treasure, look after it,

an engagement, fulfill it,

love, relish it,

a challenge, face it,

a gift, enjoy it,

a combat, win it,

a pathway, travel it,

a meeting, make it a reality,

Life is life, give it away!


Life is...

a spring of clear waters, let it gush forth,

a river, let it flow,

a pathway, cheer up and hike it,

a project, get cracking on it right now,

a tapestry, intertwine all the threads,

a field, plough it and sow it,

a blank page, write on it,

an open book, read it,

riches, share them,

Life is life, enjoy it!


Florentino Ulibarri

Traducción de Hugo Castelli

Read 6481 times
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