Many people say that in this boat
we're drifting more and more,
that it's very old and scruffy,
that it's failing in safety and its compass bearings,
that it leaks all over the place
and in spite of repairs and propaganda,
its helmsmen upset
those who come near with faith and eagerness.
They say that it only offers words
which limit liberty and grace,
that it ties up hope, in God's name,
announcing itself as a service to mankind;
and it believes itself to be such an image of truth and necessity
that honest and healthy people
end up by letting it go by,
forgetting it or rejecting it.
And although it passes the night struggling against the elements
it doesn't succeed in fishing in the waters where it sails
nor can it compete with other boats
in the fatigues and joys of major hauls.
Before being beached up on the shore,
it can still row out to see and lower the nets,
if it follows your word
but there is a general lack of skill and confidence.
And yet, this boat
so full of misery, so human,
so unattractive and old fashioned,
which few people look at
and which is the butt of laughter and jokes,
is the one that carried us over the Sea of Galilee
and showed us not to fear storms,
and to discover you, calmly, standing on the poop.
This boat which You boarded,
to accompany us and promise us
to be fishermen and enter your crew,
still receives gusts of wind and life
and is, even though we can't understand it,
our home, hearth and family
to sail over the seas of life
with a steady wind without floundering and with a joyful hope.
Florentino Ulibarri
Traducción de Hugo Castelli