It really is our obligation to thank you, Father God,
especially on this feast of Palm Sunday,
because the entire univerrse is your work
and you keep it running,
and all because we are the fruit of your love and you give us life.
It's right that we give you thanks because you are a good God,
who protects all human beings equally,
without taking into account whether we are richer or poorer,
more or less educated, believers or not,
more or less trustworthy.
For you, we are only your children, all of us are your children, Thank you, Father.
Now we want to join our voices
with those of the whole human race, to bless your name,
praise you and proclaim your infinite goodness.
Memorial of the Lord's Supper
We want to dedicate the week which begins today
to remember the last days of the life of Jesus,
his passion and his death.
We have a very clear vision of all his suffering
along that first way of the cross,
and which truly continues to cause us pain in our souls.
But we also want to be conscious,
of so many of your other children
who are now dying of hunger and thirst
and suffering all kinds of violence.
As a kind of testament, Jesus explained to us,
in two gestures and a few words,
that our life, like his,
cannot have any other meaning
than to give it for the love of so many brothers
who implore our help.
Invocation to the Spirit of God
Send your Spirit amongst us,
so that we walk along the path Jesus showed us,
in a world in crisis,
where hope shines by its absence,
we want to become prophers of hope.
In a sad world, where bad news predominates
we want to be bearers of consolation and good news.
In a world which suffers situations of oppression,
we want to be beside those excommunicated from life,
and formally denounce, as the Church of Jesus,
the injustice they suffer, for which they die,
so many human beings, our brothers.
We thank you, lord, now for all the good
done for us by our deseased family members,
who now only live in you.
We join in a single community
with all people of goodwill,
to promise you that we will place all our energies
in making a world more just and cooperative.
Rafael Calvo
Traducción de Hugo Castelli