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A new day will dawn

in which life will not be a heavy load,

but an amazing experience of plenitude

for everyone,

whatever their origins, colour, country or religion;

a day in which liberty will not be a dream

but a cheerful reality for everybody;

in which equality will not be doubted

nor will positive discrimination be required,

whatever the culture, social status, gender

and wealth of people;

a day in which fraternity

will be the best accreditation of citizenship,

of dignity and respect.


A new day will dawn

in which human rights

will not need defenders nor laws,

because we will all carry them in our hearts;

a day in which justice

will flower in all the fields and places

and we will be able to look in any direction;

a day in which there will be no more boat people,

nor Lampedusas, nor refugee camps,

nor fences, nor walls, nor details of deaths

in the sea, in deserts and places far away from home;

a day in which frontiers will disappear

and human beings can move freely across the world,

from here to there, like in our house at home.


A new day will dawn

in which we can all live together,

move about freely,


respect each other,


criticise one another,

help oursleves,

grow in richness,




choose where to be

and be different.


A new day will dawn

in which this society will feel itself reborn

in all its paths, walls and posters,

in all its magazines, newspapers, radios and televisisions;

in which praise will be given and love is respected

because that means that it will have grown roots

in the hearts of each one of us.


This day will arrive soon, Lord!

We have gone out to witness it!


Florentino Ulibarri

Traducción de Hugo Castelli

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