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How did Jesus communicate with God? What feelings were awakened in his heart? How did he experience this day by day? The Gospel stories bring us a double conclusion: Jesus felt God as Father, and he lived everything impelled by the Spirit.

Jesus felt himself «beloved son» of God. Whenever he communicates with God he always calls God «Father». No other word comes out of him. For him, God isn't just the «Holy One» of whom everyone speaks, but the «Compassionate One». God doesn't live in a temple, welcoming only those of clean heart and innocent hands. Jesus grasps God as Father who excludes no one from God's compassionate love. He enjoys every morning because God makes the sun to rise over the good and the bad.

That Father has a great project at heart: to make of the earth a livable house. Jesus doesn't doubt it: God will not rest until God sees God's sons and daughters enjoying a final celebration all together. No one will be able to halt it, neither the cruelty of death nor the injustice of people. Just as no one can stop Spring from coming and filling everything with life.

Faithful to this Father and moved by God's Spirit, Jesus only dedicates himself to one thing: to make a more human world. All must know the Good News, above all those who least expect it: sinners and those looked down upon. God does not give up on anyone. God seeks all, calls all. God doesn't go about controlling God's sons and daughters, but opening up for each one paths toward a more human life. Whoever listens deeply to one's own heart is listening to God.

That Spirit pushes Jesus toward those who suffer most. It's normal, since he saw written in God's heart the names of those most alone and unfortunate. Those who for us are no one, those are precisely the ones chosen of God. Jesus know that this God isn't understood by the high and mighty, but by the little ones. God's love is discovered by those who seek God, because they have no one to wipe away their tears.

The best way of believing in the trinitarian God isn't by trying to understand the explications of theologians, but by following Jesus' steps, the one who lived as beloved Son of Father God and who was moved by God's Spirit to dedicate himself to make a world that's more loving for all.


José Antonio Pagola

Translator: Fr. Jay VonHandorf

Publicado en www.gruposdejesus.com

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