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We present our dreams and hopes to the Lord so that he can make our life become a story of love and justice, with greater authenticity as each day passes..

• So that nourished by your bread, Lord, we can live in the wisdom and safety of your presence in our daily path.

May everything that happens to us be in your company, Father

• So that, as St Paul says, we don't live bewildered, meaningless or fearful lives but show we are happy, grateful and joyful.

May everything that happens to us be in your company, Father

• So that our church will show the authentic presence of Jesus amongst us

May everything that happens to us be in your company, Father

• So that all those who do something for others, rest in you and by night you teach them your paths.

May everything that happens to us be in your company, Father

• So that each one of us can be a splendid person, father or mother, son or daughter, neighbour, worker and citizen, always working together for the common good.

May everything that happens to us be in your company, Father

Father, take our dreams of living with you and in you and strengthen our tight relationship with you, to make your kingdom a reality. Amen


Mari Patxi Ayerra

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