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It hasn’t always been easy for us Christians to relate concretely and in a living way to the mystery of God confessed as Trinity. However the religious crisis is inviting us to be more careful than ever with a personal, healthy and grateful relationship with it. Jesus, the Mystery of God-become-flesh in the Prophet of Galilee, is the best point of reference to revive a simple faith.

How to live in front of God? Jesus teaches us two basic attitudes. In the first place, a complete trust. The Father is good. The Father loves us without end. Nothing is more important to the Father than our good. We can trust in the Father without fears, suspicions, calculations or strategies. To live is to trust in Love as the ultimate mystery of everything.

In the second place, an unconditional obedience. It’s good to live attentive to the will of this Father, since God only wants a more dignified life for everyone. There’s no way of living more healthy and correct. This is the secrete motivation of one who lives in front of the mystery of reality from a faith in a God who is Father.

How to live with the incarnate Son of God? In the first place, to follow Jesus: know him, believe in him, be in harmony with him, learn to follow his footsteps. To look at life as he looked at it; treat people as he treated them; sow signs of goodness and creative liberty as he did. To go about making life more human. This is the way God lives when God is incarnate. For a Christian there’s no other way of living more passionately.

In the second place, collaborate in God’s project that Jesus got going as he followed the Father’s will. We can’t remain passive. To those who weep, God wants to see them laugh; to those who are hungry, God wants to see them eat. We must change things so that life is life for everyone. This project that Jesus calls «God’s reign» is the standard, the direction and the horizon that he proposes to us from the ultimate mystery of God in order to make life more human.

How to live animated by the Holy Spirit? In the first place, go about animated by love. Thus one follows the whole trajectory of Jesus. What’s essential is to live it all with love and from love. There’s nothing more important. Love is the power that gives meaning, truth and hope in our existence. It’s love that saves us from so many blunders, mistakes and suffering.

Lastly, whoever lives «anointed by God’s Spirit» feels self especially sent to announce the Good News to the poor. Our life has liberating power for the captives, gives light to the blind, is a gift for those who feel themselves unfortunate.


José Antonio Pagola

Translator: Fr. Jay VonHandorf

Publicado en www.gruposdejesus.com

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