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Jesus goes out of his way to awaken conversion to God in the people. It was his true passion: the time has come to seek God's reign and God's justice, the hour to dedicate ourselves to building a more just and human life, as God wants for us.

According to Luke's Gospel, on one occasion Jesus pronounced a small parable about a «sterile fig tree». He wants to unblock the indifferent attitude of those who were listening, not responding in practice to his call. The story is short and clear.

A landowner has a fig tree planted in the middle of his vineyard. For a long time, he has come looking for fruit on it. Yet year after year the fig tree thwarts him in his expectations. There it continues, sterile in the middle of the vineyard.

The owner makes the most sensible decision. The fig tree doesn't produce fruit and is uselessly absorbing the energies of the land. What's most reasonable is to cut it down: «What good is it to take up land for nothing?»

Against all that's sensible, the vine grower proposes to do everything possible to save it. He will work the soil around the fig tree, so that it can count on the moisture needed, and he will put manure to nourish it. Sustained by the love, confidence and care of its caretaker, the fig tree is invited to bear fruit. Will is know how to respond?

The parable has been told to provoke our reaction. What good is a fig tree without figs? What good is a sterile life that has no creativity? What good is a Christianity without a practical following of Jesus? What good is a Church that's not dedicated to God's reign?

What good is a religion that doesn't change hearts? What good is a ritual without conversion and a practice that tranquilizes us and confirms us in our wellbeing? What good is it to bother ourselves so much «taking up» an important space in society if we don't introduce transforming force with our lives? What good is it to speak of «Christian roots» in Europe if it's not possible to see the «Christian fruits» of Jesus' followers?


José Antonio Pagola

Translator: Fr. Jay VonHandorf

Publicado en www.gruposdejesus.com

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