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Libro de la biblia

* Cita biblica


Fecha de Creación (Inicio - Fin)



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We are not accustomed,

in our present day,

to such a direct discourse,

so clear and harsh,

so surprising and scandalous,

so politically, socially and culturally


so unorthodox according to the established precepts...

and we don't know how to react!



We are not accustomed

to hearing your empassioned voice,

wounded in your innermost self

when we try to divert you from the way

of your own identity,

which makes you Son

and Messiah for your brothers.

And it startles us

and we try to forget it.



We are not accustomed,

and although we try to look the other way,

your voice echoes within us and around us

with the force of the wind

blowing away our ambiguous

interpretations, words and declarations;

since the faith that you ask of us

is of a very different nature:

Faith without allegations.



We are not accustomed

to saying clearly with our voice and heart: Yes, No;

or calling bread, bread,

and wine, wine...

without mixed ambiguities

which allow lukewarm statements

so as not to hurt the goodwill

or choices of others.

And look what happens to us, although we don't want to recognise the fact.



We are not accustomed

to hearing the echo of your voice,

the voice with which you spoke to Peter

and the rest of your disciples heard

with consternation and confusion:

"Clear off, Satan!

You don't see things as God sees them".

And nevertheless, that was what saved Peter

and made you more friends.



We are not accustomed...

and look how it finds us!!


Florentino Ulibarri

Traducción de Hugo Castelli

Read 5559 times
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