Rafael Calvo BecaThanksgiving
Really it is our obligation and our most urgent desire
to bless your name and glorify you, Father God,
because you are the only God,
the creator of the universe,
the God of all creatures,
who is venerated by all the religions of the universe.
Thank you, Father, for loving us all
infinitely and equally,
because you make no distinctions between rich and poor,
nor between those in power
or ordinary people.
We want all humanity
to recognise you as its unique and good God
and to bless you with affection for this reason.
Now, in the name of all human beings,
we sing this hymn of glory in your honour.
Memorial of the Lord's Supper
We bless you once again, Father and Mother of us all,
because you have freely given us the prophetic word of Jesus
and his experience of life, a faithful reflection of your Spirit.
We believe in Jesus,
in our hearts we accept his teaching.
But thanks to him we know that our only sign of identity
is to make sure no one suffers hardships
and everyone can be fully and happily human.
Now we see that it is not sufficient to call ourselves christian,
to belong to the group of disciples of Jesus
because the only valid passport
that serves equally for believers, agnostics or atheists
is our dedication to fulfill the lives of others with justice and dignity.
Jesus, the paragon of excellence,
asked us to do what he did,
to give ourselves to others without any reservations.
Invocation to the Spirit of God
We remember the life of your son Jesus, that we want to imitate,
we are sorry for his cruel death, a paradigm of injustice,
and we are glad that now he lives in you, in complete happiness.
Father God, pour forth your Spirit, we want to work together
with all people of good will
to make a world of equality, justice and solidarity.
Truly, it is a huge task that is beyond us
because we persist in creating poverty
and marginalising, setting up barriers and separating our brothers.
We create ghettoes of deprived people
when we do not expel them from our country.
We have to support peace and understanding
where there is conflict and war
and ensure that love and equality reigns in this world.
Give us a heart as large as that of Jesus,
that we can generously open to all humanity
and make us feel truly fraternal,
brothers of all our brothers.
Now we are going to pray the prayer Jesus taught us
and we will call you as Father, our Father and Father of everyone,
with no exclusions.
We want to present you, Lord,
our permanent homage of gratitude.
Rafael Calvo
Traducción de Hugo Castelli