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Libro de la biblia

* Cita biblica


Fecha de Creación (Inicio - Fin)



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We want to give you, Lord,

our most since thanks

because you are not a rigidly just God who rewards and punishes,

neither are you an all powerful God, but an all loving one,

you are a good God, who wipes away our fears,

one in whom we can trust.

Through your son Jesus, the person who has known you best,

we know that you are simply our Father

and that each one of us

is for you so beloved as though we were your only son.

Thank you, Father, for your unconditional love,

and because although we are not conscious of your company

you support us in our lives and you dwell within us.

We do not need to gain merits to receive your love,

and we can never correspond to so much love,

as we are always in debt to you,

but with humility and simplicity, accepting our poverty,

we place that which we are, every day, in the service of others

and we affectionately offer you this hymn of glory.


Memorial of the Lord's Supper

We thank you now, our Father and God. For the life and word of Jesus of Nazareth, which are our pole star and guide.

Jesus invites us to follow him, to leave behind our ego and money and to discover true riches, that you have placed within our reach.

We really want to follow your good advice, knowing that having you, we possess the greatest treasure, that we have nothing to fear but a lot to love,

that being more fraternal with everyone

we become more human.

Jesus taught us that true happiness

is found in giving, as he gave himself,

and he asked us not to forget the testimony of his life.


Invocation to the Spirit of God

We need your wisdom, Lord to appreciate what is truly valuable. Grant us the intuition so as not to desire things that are not suitable for us,

so we don't let ourselves be deceived by anybody, not even by ourselves.

We need your driving force, your Spirit of love, holy Father, to know how to renounce luxury and comfort that others are far from enjoying, and make it so that we have something to spare so we can share it with them.

We cannot continue to be unmoved

by the sufferings of our brothers.

We have proposed, Lord, in all humility to follow Jesus, to convert ourselves into another helper,

helping in so far as we are able,

to build your Kingdom and achieve your project for humanity

But we don't want to deceive ourselves with empty proposals.

Convert our hearts, make us more human, so that in spite of so much bad news that reaches us,

we can once more feel moved,

and feel as our own, the tragedies that surround us.

In the presence of Jesus, with his energy,

that gives us life,

we offer this toast to your Kingdom,

so that it becomes the reality of the dream we share with others.



Rafael Calvo

Traducción de Hugo Castelli

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