Florentino UlibarriWaiting wide awake, but not tired for lack of sleep
Waiting while you walk, but not overtaking us
Waiting in pregnancy, but not dominating us,
Waiting exposed, but not to any particular wind
Waiting thirsty, but not sterile.
Waiting in the fog, but not lost on this earth,
Waiting with lighted cancles, but not consumed
Waiting offering us, but not selling us
Waiting preparing your way, but not bending us over
Waiting in silence, but singing the encarnate Word.
Waiting in gestation but not aborting.
Waiting welcoming, but not retaining
Waiting giving us, but not claiming
Waiting in silence, not creating a disturbance
Waiting sharing and enjoying.
Waiting even though it is night
and we can see no signs on the horizon.
Waiting at any hour of the day
even though we remain alone and others laugh
Waiting in solitude and in company.
Waiting peacefully, although pinched by our brothers
Waiting desiring, but rocked on your lap.
Waiting looking high, but with feet firmly on the ground.
Waiting refreshing ourselves in your clear and lively springs
Waiting encarnate and now being born in your Kingdom
Waiting in this time of crisis and cutbacks
Waiting with the gospel in the hand
Waiting with those who come and those who go
Waiting enjoying what has been given to us
Waiting living and loving us.
Waiting like Isaiah, living and prophecying,
or like Jeremias, suffering, but full of love,
or like John the Baptist, proclaiming what he has given us
Waiting, so that you do not pass us by,
Waiting, although we do not understand your Holy Spirit
Florentino Ulibarri
Traducción de Hugo Castelli