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My son: you don't know what you are,

because you still don't recognise youself as the work of my love.

You don't know what you are in me,

and you haven't discovered the possibilities hidden inside you.


Wake up and forget your nightmares:

that fixation in calamities, failures and frustrations,

in tiredness, falls and misdirections.

All that isn't your true self.

Let yourself be loved and guided and...you will see!


Your collection of masks

and the fancy dress you put on

can hide you from the eyes of others

but they can't hide you from my eyes of a Father.


That expression, your look, which isn't calm,

and your feverish desires, aspirations

together with your ambitions, appetites and ardours

so loved by you, so much your own, so strong...

All that isn't your true self.

Underneath all that, behind all that,

beyond your fears and doubts,

of your successes and failures,

of your dark and desolate past...

I look at you, I love you, I choose you

and I open the doors of heaven to show it to you.

You are a son whom I love.


I could say so many things....!

not about that you that looks for fancy dress,

but about that you that remains in my heart

and which I rock as a Father/Mother on my breast,

of the you that still has to portray itself.


Make plain for everyone to see what you are for me!

Become the dream made reality of yourself.

Activate the possibilities that I have placed in you.

There is no gift that your cannot aspire to!

You bear my spirit and my seal and blood.


I kiss you, I love you, I liberate you, I launch you...

I open life to you and make you its owner.

And if that were all I were to do,

what stops you from getting up, setting forth and making the most of your life?

You are in the world for your good and my love!


Plunge into life and baptise yourself!


Florentino Ulibarri

Traducción de Hugo Castelli

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