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When I'm tempted by hunger,

don't let me fall into easy solutions:

No to gluttony,

no to laziness,

no to a comfortable and satisfying life.

Give me only our daily bread of every day.


When I'm tempted by fame,

don't let me become haughty:

No to my image,

No to pride

no to an ambitious and easy life.

Give me only the grandeur of having brothers and a Father.


When I'm tempted by power,

don't let me fall into its meshes:

No to the use of force,

No to domination,

no to an arrogant and string-pulling life.

Grant me only the joy of a humble service


When I'm tempted by whatever,

don't let leave me alone with my grief or my boldness,

and even though I don't ask you for it,

and I haven't appreciated your example and proposals,

give me your safe company

to walk the path of life.


And whilst we're walking through the desert,

may your Spirit and only your Spirit,

drive me and guide me

to the hearts and the oasis

in which You are present,

even though I don't invoke you.


Don't let me fall in these

or in any other temptations.

Florentino Ulibarri

Traducción de Hugo Castelli

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