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Reshape life:

placing ourselves in your human and divine hands

or in the scope of your breeze that comes and goes

in those places outside the normal locations

shown in manuals and albums.


Reshape life:

accepting blows, marks and wounds,

but not flinching nor detaining history,

vibrating less without losing the music

and maintaining a fresh memory.


Reshape life:

discovering and admiring your furrows and footprints

in our old and stringy flesh.

Open up to your suggestions

even though we don't fully understand them.


Reshape life:

playing the game that you played,

cutting ourselves in strips, bands or stars,

sharing ourselves with dignity

and giving ourselves in brotherhood.


Reshape life:

accepting your Spirit,

as its centre, axis and motor

placing all the crosses under your shadow

and strongly grasping your promises.


Reshape life:

Climbing the mountain in your company,

enjoying your incarnation without fear,

knowing how to hear the good news

and returning down transformed to the path of history.


Reshape life:

discovering ourselves like a flowering flower,

beautiful, perfumed and distinct,

drawing us to others in dignity

and making a garden for the walkers.


Reshape life:

living in the world

being a flower in the earth;

discovering and admiring people

and thanking you for your invitation and life.


Florentino Ulibarri

Traducción de Hugo Castelli

Read 5165 times
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