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We ask with confidence what we need. God will listen to our petitions and will watch over us.

Good father, attend our needs.

* Father, make it so that we may be good to each other, that we may enjoy helping and making life happier.

Good father, attend our needs.

* Father, remember the sick, especially those of our parish community, so that with our visits and our care we may help them to bear with their suffering.

Good father, attend our needs.

* We present you, Father, the work of all the NGOs with take car ovre the most underprivileged, so that their dedication may make possible a world more just.T

Good father, attend our needs.

* Father, grant that the countries that are in war may achieve peace. May governments overcome conflicts with words and gestures of proximity.

Good father, attend our needs.

* We remind you, Father, of all those who have left us. Teach us, who mourn their absence, to live with their memory with peace in our hearts.

Good father, attend our needs.

These are our petitions of today, don't forget, Father, those which each one of us carries in our hearts. We dare to ask you because you told us we must petition you. Thank you for listening to us.


Vicky Irigaray

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