Florentino UlibarriHappy are those who keep their lanterns well lit
and share them and lift them up high so they give plenty of light
and guide those who walk at ground level without them,
lost in labyrinths, wounds and complaints.
Happy are those who maintain their watch,
with the spirit uneasy but the body in form,
and are always awake and attentive to whoever arrives
at midnight, in the early morning or when the sun is hot.
Happy are those who share and give themselves
and are faithful to my will and most sincere words
and know how to live like sons and brothers,
and have responsibilities or only rules to follow in their human existence.
Happy are those who don't aspire to make a good impression
nor make excuses for tiredness, age or dignity,
nor for the time it takes, nor the delay of a prize,
and maintain their dedication to those who need it.
Happy are those, whether they are inside or outside
and are not afraid or storms nor of drought,
nor of hurricanes, nor of calms without a breeze
and keep their hovel or palace open.
Happy are those who don't mind being few,
and, least of all, losing everything,
because they know the Father is with them and loves them,
and presents them everyday with what they need for the way.
Happy are those who respect and serve their brothers,
without a single complaint, even though they may be strangers,
and who neither eat nor fatten up their accounts
with the money of other countries and their citizens.
Happy are those who know they have been sent
and are not flustered with their responsibilities,
and accept being sons and brothers of everyone
and don't feel humiliated when they serve.
Happy are my disciples!
Happy you!
Happy those who need your service!
Florentino Ulibarri
Traducción de Hugo Castelli