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Give us, Lord

a tender heart and plain thoughts

to travel along your pathways

as disciples

grasping your Spirit

and looking after your preferred ones.


Recognise us

in this broken and chaotic world,

You who know what we are,

as disciples

who want to follow you humbly

and not be set aside.


We will follow,

night and day, in an open search

and a generous giving to whatever you want,

as disciples,

going in your door

to sit at your table


And when people come

from the south and the north, and the east and the west,

contending strongly for their lot,

as disciples

we want to welcome them as their host

and sit down in the least important place in the table


And when the banquet begins,

when we're all fraternally together,

we'll sing, eat and dance,

as disciples,

sharing what we are and what we have,

without fears or worries.


Florentino Ulibarri

Traducción de Hugo Castelli

Read 4949 times
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