Vicky IrigarayTo You, God, friend of life, we want to present you with all our needs and those of all the women and men of this earth.
Good Father, come and visit us.
* For all believers, so that, like Zacchaeus, we work out how to meet Jesus and so become transformed by his strength into apostles.
Good Father, come and visit us.
* For those who suffer owing to our indifference, may God soften our hearts so we may be capable of welcoming them into our homes and parishes.
Good Father, come and visit us.
* For peace in the world, so that all violent conflicts cease and we may be capable of building a world in peace.
Good Father, come and visit us.
* For all the sick, especially for those about to die, so that they find in us a delicate care.
Good Father, come and visit us.
Thank you, God, for listening to us and loving us. We want you to come to our house today and so bring your light into our lives. We give you thanks through your Son Jesus.
Vicky Irigaray
Traducción de Hugo Castelli