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Turn off the radios,

shut down the computers,

close the mobile phones and tvs.


Turn off the microphones,

stop the clocks from chiming,

close down the machines and their vibrations.


Shut off all the noise,

be quiet,

no more gestures or meetings...


Close the doors,

close the windows,

close all the cracks and entry points.


Stop talking about running away,

be silent about hunger,

no more sophistry or travels.


Stop making speeches,

no more explanations,

don't talk about dreams or passions.


Close off your senses,

muzzle your thoughts,

block your ears to news and arguments.


Close the doors,

close the windows,

close the towers and walls.


Close off images,

be silent about anxieties

don't talk about ideas and tasks.


Forget your memories,

don't talk about stress,

be silent about fears and worries.


Stifle your desires,

subdue your obligations,

be silent about urgencies and unexpected events.


Close the doors,

close the windows

close the curtains and pull down the blinds


Be silent about your doubts,

don't talk about your curiosity,

shut up about your insidious needs.


Open your heart,

open your entrails,

open our whole selves and our house.


And listen to your voice of love

that makes us daughters and sons

and resounds in all creation.


Florentino Ulibarri

Traducción de Hugo Castelli

Read 5306 times
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